CTV 1540k Skaven

19000 (1 FAME)
No change

Orc CTV 1450k


No change
#2 Mapo – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#12 Blokko Thetre – Groin Strain (MNG)
#17 Zachary Clearfire – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
A bit into first half it looked kind of grim as three lonely Gutterrunners were pushed up against the sideline by two thirds of the remaining Orc team, but once the ball was tossed out of there to the free Runner and the players started to spread out again things got going the way of the Rats. Even if it didn't look that way, with only three rats standing I felt like they were in control...
...which they promptly lost as the Orcs evened the numbers on the pitch, and the players got clumped up again. Gray Seeker managed to break free with two Runners and scored our first TD turn 7 first half.
The Greenskins made a desperate attempt to score again in the two turns they had left, which only left their fastetst player Matrix exposed to a close meeting with Creek. Something most of the team had expected as they had crowded Matrix to see it happen. Soong Ooner stepped up to the plate and took out a Lineorc, the rats secured the ball and the half ended 1-0, with 5 Orcs out of the game, and one rat Badly Hurt, one Knocked Out. Things looked good.
The Orcs recieved and a got a Touchback, handing the ball to Scroccio, their buff Blocker, things clumped up, Scolde Drat stripped the ball from Scrioccio, and in an amazing display of chutzpa the Orcs got the ball out of the densely packed group of players on 2 3+ dodges, one 4+ handover, one 3+ pass and a 3+ catch. However... leaving the ball with a no block, no dodge, no sure hands player within range of Scolde Drat is never a wise thing. The ball was quickly in Rat Possession.
Next turn - a chainpush, blitz, and a pass later the ball was safely away from the orcs. The rest was pretty much about keeping the ball safe until time ran out and then score.