CTV 1990k+100k Wood Elf

50k (-30000)

Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary
Dwarf CTV 1980k+100k
80k (-20000)

18000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs
#4 Exali Wartraveller – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#8 Ray – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#12 Fred – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I chose to bring an extra apoth to the game. With having almost 300 cash in the bank and having a decent 11 man squad going against a 6 MB team I thought it was worth it.
My goal going into the match was to outbash the dwarves. I thought if I could outbash them early and be up players in the second half I could have a better chance at winning.
However I didn't get the kick and got bashed down a bit to 7 players 2 KO/2 BH in the first half. He didn't lose any players in the first half.
My KO's didn't come back so I was down to 7 players for the second half. The weather turned to rain. I was able to SI two players on the first turn. However, I failed to pick up the ball which was in the middle of my zone. Next turn PC captured the ball. I one dice blocked him but it didn't work. The next turn a majority of my players were KO'ed. At that point the game was over. He scored a second time.
I got the ball back but I wasn't very effective and PC got to blitz. PC scored on the final turn. 3-0 loss. The KO rolls and weather really screwed me as I wasn't able to protect my zone in the second half. I guess the loss was coming to me since I had won 8 in a row including two Brawls.”