CTV 1470k+310k Skaven
Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Fezglitch, Star player Glart Smashrip Jr.
Necromantic Horror CTV 1810k
40k (-10000)
Inducements: 1 bribe
#15 The new LLL – Smashed Knee (NI)
#91 Glart Smashrip Jr. – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
As BooAhl ran out of players in the 1st half, attempting to drag out the stall and get a few fouls in, that pesky gutter runner got dropped by a 9 dice blitz (only 3 needed though) and the wolf ran off with the ball.
Free and clear, it looked certain to be 1-0 to Pig Sty Alley but then the wight double skulled (1D rerolled), the flesh golem face planted the blitz (gfi failed), and next turn the diving tackler face planted (gfi failed) whilst the thrower insta-powed the wolf and threw a trademark long bomb to the hardy ST1 runner, who withstood a beating all game - much tougher than his team mates!
That play was the difference between the win (3-1) and draw, although the T16 OTS was made slightly easier by a poor set up from me when perfect defense was rolled. (I'll be honest, I wasn't happy with it as I did it, but I didn't want to spent 15 minutes thinking about it as I'm sure BooAhl had better things to be doing!) In fairness, BooAhl should have put the gutter runner in the sideline, making it easier anyway (3+ 2+ 2+) so it evened that one out.”