CTV 1500k Chaos Dwarf

15000 (1 FAME)

Amazon CTV 1080k+420k


No change
Inducements: 1 wizard, Star player Zara the Slayer
#7 Clerk Bailey – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#11 Trey – Dead (RIP)
#12 Dejavia – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
This was a totally unfair match up of a well developed, nigh minmax Chaos Dwarf team against a near-rookie Amazon team.
At least, it was unfair until Nuffle stepped in.
It started with a deep kick and a blitz, Vaclav probably thinking, "Oh no here we go." 3 turns later and five 1s in 14, including a snakes, up against totally solid ag3 rolling - dodges and passes - and the ladies were downfield with the ball. Every knockdown of the av9 blockers was breaking armour and would do so the entire game.
Vaclav stalled well, and could have stalled further, but decided it was risky and scored.
Finally my dice picked up a bit, and the strong bull ran forward with the ball. I couldn't cage, as dodging and powing zons were giving me headaches, but Vaclav forgot to use the wizard and could only mark the bull. My dice really picked up and I smash a hole and ran the bull clear. The wizard zapped him this time but there was nobody in reasonable range to recover the ball and, when a blitzer fell over on the go for its, the bull mopped up and equalized.
Dreadful KO rolls (all failed) meant Vaclav had just 10 players for the 2nd half, however it also began with a deep kick and a blitz - this time for Redneck Babies. A scrap for the ball ensued but the bull emerged and the game seemed to be over. However, a heroine smashed the bull down single handedly (-2D), caught the scatter, and all of a sudden the impossible seemed to be on. The other bull snaked the dodge to blitz and I held my head in my hands as Vaclav passed it clear of the bulls. It looked like I was going to lose.
Fortunately a hobgoblin managed to find a POW first time on 2D, and then it truly was game over as Vaclav's dice finally turned to dust and he rolled nothing but 1s for the remainder of the drive. I even made a cheeky hand off to the ensure the stronger bull gained a skill for the next game (sure hands, I think).
Just to emphasise the consistency of the av9 breaks, as I think every single one (or a good 90%) did pass but only stuns until finally T16 a chaos dwarf blocker suffered a casualty - killed apo to MNG.
On paper I should never have lost that. However, Vaclav probably rues his misuse of the wizard - better deployed earlier in the 1st half or, better, in the 2nd half, as it may well have won him the game!”