CTV 2010k+50k Lizardmen
80k (-30000)
21000 (2 FAME)
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Norse CTV 2020k
30k (-20000)
#3 Nim Vito – Dead (RIP)
#4 Urg Urg – Dead (RIP)
#6 Yum Reto – Dead (RIP)
#7 Currien – Dead (RIP)
#8 Las Cas – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Nuffle gave the Norse a pathetic opening turn, and they lost a Berseker on the response (RIP, apo fail). But the lizards got greedy and RR a push into double skulls. A failed Kroxigor block 2 turns later gave the Norse the space they needed, and pulled in a turn 6 TD.
The lizards could have scored fairly easily in the next 3 turns, but the kick was deep, and Beast-Gnawer neglected to do a single critical GFI which would have put him in 2-turn scoring range. The receiving skink then failed a 1/36 GFI, and the TD was out of reach. The lizards did manage to RIP the other Berserker, though.
Pressed to score 2 TD in the second half, the mighty snow troll (his +MA forgotten) manage 2 GFIs to hit the ball skink, for a BH (Apo'd). The Norse then tried to pass the ball to safety, an succeeded on the 6+ roll for an accurate pass into the Lizard backfield.
A remaining skink then rushed back and grabbed the ball, but a rookie Ulf dodged from his marker, did two GFIs to Pow the skink into submission. The lizards then threw a Saurus at the deep-seated wolf, only to fail the first GFI.
The Ulf pushed the skink away from the ball, and a Norse Thrower retrieved it. THEN SHIT GOT REAL.
The next turn–– Norse Linemen (Dodge, Fend) killed. Norse Runner (+St, Dodge, Fend, Guard Sure Hands) killed. The saurus who had tripped the turn before got up and smashed the rookie Thrower with another RIP (Not even MB on this one). Skink dodges from the Ulf and grabs the ball, taking it in for a T7 TD.
(Is there a record for most deaths in a single turn...??)
Coach jundru played a really great game, and never grumbled about the awful beating his team took. A model FUMBBL citizen!