CTV 1940k Lizardmen
50k (-20000)
16000 (1 FAME)
Chaos Chosen CTV 1920k
30k (-20000)
No change
#1 Pact-Breaker – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#1 Dementia – Dead (RIP)
#5 Crooked – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#6 Swollen II – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#8 Can't Wipe – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
From the opening turn where the saurus line is broken by a -2D double POW on the Blodging Goat-Pulper (1/36), to the next turn where the Chaos Warrior Pain (no damage skills) casualties a saurus (1/36). Soon after, a Ag4 Warrior misses a 2+ Dodge with reroll (1/36), giving Pact-Breaker a crack at the ball carrer which turns up double skulls (1/36), and the ball carrier (still Pain, no damage skills) puts Pact Breaker out for the next game (1/36).
We manage to stop the stall, and develop a reasonable chance to score by turn 8. All that has to happen is for Goat-Pulper to make a 2+ Dodge with RR so that he can clear the way. Naturally, Nuffle rears his ugly head.
Receiving in the second half, Beast-Gnawer fails the pick-up (1/36) which nearly blows the game.
HOWEVER, Nuffle saved all our great dice for the last 4 turns, in which Warrior-Slayer picked up two more casualties, and went on to take the MVP, making him the team's first Legend, and double 5's lets him finally join the blodge club!
cheers to coach Fathernurgle for a well-played game.”