CTV 1940k Lizardmen
80k (-20000)
24000 (1 FAME)
Nurgle CTV 1880k+50k
60k (-10000)
No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#1 Pact-Breaker – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#5 Bull-Fighter – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#11 The Keeper Of The Vendetta – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
On turn 4, I have 2 RR vs my opponent's 0. My opponent had no tackle, no ClawPOMB, and most players lacking Block. I could have safely stalled on turn 5-8, but that seemed so boring... My opponent's luck had been sub-par, so I thought I'd so the gentlemanly thing and give him a few turns to block, the chance at a score, and maybe even the chance of another TD myself.
Turn 5–– Opponent picks up a RR via Brilliant coaching (I had FAME) No-Block beast rolls Skull/BothDown, against my Krox. Passes Loner, rerolled to a pow, and fails armor, but Piles On to send him MNG. Opponent then rolls Pow/Push on my one blodge saurus, stunning him, and Pow/Pow on the other. Opponent then attempts a 1-assist foul in my tacklezone and perms that saurus, giving him a second -MA, only 8spp shy of Legend...
Next turn–- Blitz another saurus with a MB guy (from then on, all he needed was MB). Saurus cas.
Next turn-- Blitz a skink. Skink cas.
The immortal Goat-Pulper saved our ass throughout the whole game. And boy did we need it. Every Pow was an armor break. More saurus left, more skinks left. By turn 12, we were down to 3 players. By turn 14, we were down to 2, then 1. The most amazing thing was the non-chalantness about it all. A warrior would smash a blodge saurus to oblivion, opponent wouldn't utter a word–– just business as usual for these guys! My opponent had almost no damage skills, and all my MB/PO could only manage 2KOs of the entire game. And unfortunately, my opponent didn't return the gentlemanly behaviour! Fouls left and right! Die, saurus, die!
A tough one until the end. Good thing GP is our most reliable scorer!”