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Match Result · Ranked division
Match recorded on 2004-05-13 17:00:13
CTV 1460k Halfling
Winnings 80k
-1 Dedicated Fans
Casualties 0/0/0
Undead CTV 1290k
80k Winnings
Fanfactor +1
0/1/2 Casualties
Player Performances

#6 Hasardi – Smashed Knee (NI)
#9 Sielumiljonääri IV – Dead (RIP)
#15 Pelkkää Kurjuutta – Dead (RIP)
What an interesting matchup we had this evening, pretty new UD team against a seasoned and experienced halfling team. Now since this game is between seasons, the fling team is down to 10 players. Coach Odi says: "We are still looking forward to signing a few stars for next season, I can't give you any names yet, since it's very hush hush..."

But Atleast Mikko Alatalon Koko Tuotanto managed to field their most famous players, including Pelkkää Kurjuutta (a niggling but very agile little thingy), and our two bruisers Artturi Robotti and Känkkäränkkä. That must explain the unusual high gate.

Well, onto the match, he Flings win the coin toss, and set up to receive the ball. But whats that, the ball is still in the air and the undead are running after it, if you can say that slow tumbling forward running. In the confusion Adolf stumbles onto Vicky Lee and sweeps her of her feet...

Hasardi goes to cover the ball, just incase one of those bad smelling thingies gets through our front lines. Artturi Robotti pushes back one zombie, but Känkkäräkkä is being skull f**ked by the Mummy Josef.

And so the UD keep walking/crawling towards the ball. They manage to get one ghoul next to the ball, when Adolf tries to take out the veteran fling Pelkkää kurjuutta. Pelkkää Kurjuutta has met some of these Mummies before and knows how to handle them and they both go down and the flings might still have a small chance in preventing the UD from scoring.

Mummy Josef is blocked by a fierce little fling, and Mummo gives him a little kick at the same time. Josef is KO'd and there's little more room on the field. But Känkkäränkkä forgets what he's supposed to do. The fans are cheering him to blizt the ghoul next to the ball, Känkkäräkkäs response: "whaa?". Only one thing to do which can save the gobbo team. Pelkkää Kurjuutta decides that he'll save the day. He actually manages to pick up the ball in 2 TZ, but the long pass is a little too much to hope for.

After knocking out 2 more flings the UD score on turn 3.

The flings set up to recieve again (one mummy remains KO'd, and the other one has sweated off his toiletpaper wrappings), Känkkäränkkä KO's one skeleton but Artturi is still confused what the game is about.

The UD starts to box in the flings, and Pinochet KO's himself and one more fling. It seems the flings still have somekind of plan they are following, who knows. Artturi wakes up, and KO's Mussolini (so much for the Italian army). Now both ogres are through the UD defence and the flings are bringing the ball. A quick handoff and a Pass to Känkkäränkkä... No, no, no... Känkkäränkkä, catch the ball don't block it to the ground.

2 more flings are knocked to the ground, but they still manage to get the ball and run to the EZ. Well Sielumiljonääri manges to fail a GFI so he has to stand up, pickup the ball, and try it again on the next turn (practice makes perfect). Well, Artturi KO's one more ghoul while Sielumiljonääri is keeping the fans laughing.

OK, 2 turns left, the flings 8 players vs UD's seven...
This could end up either way. The flings are pushed around a bit, until Skeleton Nero, decides to headbut a fling, another fling in the KO. While the unliving are doing their evil deeds, Artturi Robotti tosses Sielumiljonääri IV over the enemy lines for a quick score...
He's flying high ever the enemy lines, and lands just like his predacessors (I, II, III). On his face and is killed. Luckily his family is a large one, so the 5th son of Sielumiljonääri Sr, is hired for the next game.

The UD don't manage to do anything on the 8th turn, they are laughing through their teeth, literally, the teeth are flying all over the pitch.

2nd Half:

The gobbos kick off, and start following the pig's bladder while it's still in the air. Känkkäränkkä KO's adolf. After the game he says he must respect his Jewish heritage, and punish the evil men. Artturi tosses Pelkkää Kurjuutta at the ball, and Pelkkää Kurjuutta manages to catch it in mid air. That doesn't help much though, when one of these angry Jugoslavia Serbs pins him down. And a chinese kung fu specialist kicks him in the ribs.

Mean while Artturi KO's one more skelly and Känkkäränkkä is having one of his temper tandrums refucing to do anything. Meanwhile all these dictators are ganging up on Pelkkää kurjuutta, and finally a well plased boot by Pinochet KO's him. But the Ref seems to be one of these liberals and sends Pinochet to Haag to be judged for his crimes agains flingity.

Francisco Franco manages to snatch the ball and starts running, followed by a blitzing Känkkäränkkä... Just before Känkkäränkkä catches Franco he trips over and Franco quickly runs for the score. While Artturi Robotti takes down a Mummy, and Eläimiä Suomalaismetsissä is thrown out for a little booting...

2nd and 4:

Only 5 fling players on the field now, since Artturi is heat exhausted, this doesn't look good... Pelkkää Kurjuutta manages to get the ball, ends up as Hitlers sex toy... The little one can't take it, and is killed (we'll miss you), well, atleast the UD didn't get an AG5 zombie...

The last couple of turns is a survival battle for the flings, who cares about the ball, it's just a game man! And the UD score 3-1 on turn 8.

The flings go for a 3-2 goal by TTM tactics, but artturi wants the ball for himself, so he smashes the fling into the ground and grabs the ball, game over.

Player Performances
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