CTV 830k+170k Necromantic Horror

10000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Mercenary Merc Wight 1
Elven Union CTV 1010k


No change
#6 Rolento F. Schugerg – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#10 Karin – Groin Strain (MNG)
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An apoth has been sighted rummaging in the dumpster near the stadium exit used by the lads. Using a combination of clubs and a box propped on a stick with a paper bagged bottle as bait, they were able to subdue the med school dropout. Huzzah!
Raison D'Être - Dogfish Head Brewery
BA score: 83
A- Dark ruby red with a hue of brown for the body. When served, there was about a finger worth of tan foam that receded into nothing. There is only miniscule amounts of foam on the sides of the glass, and almost no lacing at all.
S- When swirled I got some sweet grape, but the roasted malt was dominant. Also some sweet burnt sugar
T- Sweet grapes that dominate the palate. And it doesn't really die down that much throughout the drink. Taste a lot of sugar, and a little booze, and lastly some dark malt that inst that apparent.
M- Moderate body that goes down a little on the heavy side. not much carbonation and is somewhat sticky.
(from a review)”