CTV 1890k Dwarf

70k (-10000)
18000 (1 FAME)
No change

Human CTV 1840k+50k
60k (-10000)


No change
Inducements: Card Magic Gloves of Jark Longarm
#6 Rhoda, Twin Sister of Dhuna "Runaway" Mithrilheart – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#7 Brumbas Soildigger – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#1 Brannis Solaran – Dead (RIP)
#2 Iridan Korian – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#13 Andur Igglesman – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The characters of Firehurler came by this win a bit sideways. Someone let some monstrosity of metal and gearworks, the likes of which had not been seen in either Tellurak or Veydrus since before the parting of the gods - and possibly not even then - onto the field for the Monsters. It was cased in metal like a monohorn's armor and sported spiked wheels. A madman of a dwarf piloted the abomination, cackling as he knocked down everything in his path. Our complaints to the game officials were met with a shrug and a promise that a "tow truck" was on hand to sort things out somewhere around halftime.
Well, halftime saw us bruised and trailing 1-0; our greatest accomplishment of the half being parking Juliana next to the ball carrier and coming within a Push and a failed dodge of preventing the score.
The second half started better. The stalwart lads and lasses tightened their chinstraps and started hitting back. We took down ancient pain-in-the-tookus Brumbas Soildigger and a couple other troublemakers, and despite some poor passing by Kyrus, managed to make a quick enough score to make something besides a tie an option.
Kicking to shorthanded dwarfs, we set up in a wide spread, causing a momentary confusion among the regimented Agility Monsters, whose playbook didn't have a set counter to the offset LOS, wide screen defense that Firehurler presented, at least not one designed for a shorthanded squad. The kick didn't do us any favors - a layup right to backup runner Bingi Greasearmor - but the dice did. Bingi tried a bit to hard to rush the TD and tripped over her own feet. The scatter was collected by troll slayer Nori, but only briefly. Our confusing little Celia, Kyrus, Juliana love triangle played itself out on the pitch in a Hand-Off, Pass play that sealed the win after a generous throw-in from a fantasy fan in the crowd.
GG Rabe. The Monsters are a FUMBBL treasure and it was a pleasure to play them”