CTV 1920k Albion Fae

50k (-20000)
No change

Pygmy CTV 1910k
80k (-20000)

16000 (1 FAME)

No change
#2 Soraya – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#14 Gooney – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#3 Tuffy Pu – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#10 Fuggy Oo – Dead (RIP)
#15 Camcam Tam – Serious Concussion (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The CCs managed to win the kick off, and of course elected to receive. We managed to get one of the big guys over. He He (as usual) was in fine form and managed to get himself ejected on his first foul, and trotted off for his nice warm bath.
After this Cachalan's finest really didn't feel they could hurt the formidable Punchbag's front line, and elected for a more 'evasive' approach. Fortunately (and generally through the game, the walking trash failed to inflict as much damage as they were surely capable of) and with one bone headish turn, the Cannibals were away and secured a 1-0 half time lead.
Start of the second was cagey, and if anything the living litter piles were doing less damage than the first. Hetty finally saw an opening, rushed through and seriously crumpled the Punching Bags star "Soraya's" wings.
Hetty rushed for the endzone, however the little pixies had some speed and caught him up. He struggled on, but failed his final leap to see him get free and secure the win. Now the fairies counter attacked in a last ditch effort to draw the game.
The little fat cannibals were truly bone tired at this stage and had few players left on the pitch, but set up for one last ditch rear guard action. The flying femmes surprised coach harvestmouse here, going in a different direction than he expected, which could have cost him the win. However Cannibals stalwart Oxtl Zytl blitzed free and saved the day.
Fuggy Oo finally skilled up after showing promise, and was rewarded by the crowd (who took various parts of him home as a souvenir.”