“Now, I've been here a number of years, and recognise Jock as being a long standing well respected man-about-town, and I'm sure that he shares my sentiments when i say that this match was ridiculously ridiculous.
Normally with Ogres you get Bonehead failures, a lot... and when they do pass it, get pushbacks, (or worse vs people with Block), but not today. Nineteen boneheads before the first failure, and all the 2d blocks came up pows. This was the most un-Ogre-like performance I'd ever seen!
The Norse crumbled, and the ogres were 1 man away from a pitch clearance. Only a failed Endzone GFI kept it 0-0 at half time.
I stalled for one turn, but the plucky Norseman blitzed his way to a 2db on the snotling ballcarrier - i took this as a sign and casually sidestepped in for the winning score.
Great fun game, but not in a scratch-your-head toe-to-toe tussle with a great coach game sorta way... but just because Ogres actually succeeded at something for once.
“A mad game, but fun, ogres could do anything in this game, was awesome was fun though despite getting a pasting :)
for me this points out what was said in a thread recently, when you unexpectedly get a true beating it can be fun, when yet another cbomb team destroys you its souless
thanks for bringing the fun back to box :)”
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Normally with Ogres you get Bonehead failures, a lot... and when they do pass it, get pushbacks, (or worse vs people with Block), but not today. Nineteen boneheads before the first failure, and all the 2d blocks came up pows. This was the most un-Ogre-like performance I'd ever seen!
The Norse crumbled, and the ogres were 1 man away from a pitch clearance. Only a failed Endzone GFI kept it 0-0 at half time.
I stalled for one turn, but the plucky Norseman blitzed his way to a 2db on the snotling ballcarrier - i took this as a sign and casually sidestepped in for the winning score.
Great fun game, but not in a scratch-your-head toe-to-toe tussle with a great coach game sorta way... but just because Ogres actually succeeded at something for once.
Plus the MVP Grahkto rolled doubles. Exciting!”