CTV 1350k Shambling Undead
Dark Elf CTV 1370k

15000 (1 FAME)

No change
#10 Lauthan – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#12 Cathmo – Dead (RIP)
#18 William Coldsnake – Dead (RIP)
#19 Trey Whitetree – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
So... despite the fact that any balling ate rerolls, I scored 1-0. It was straight forward, but plenty of time to reply. The defense was pretty solid. 2D on the ball but no rerolls, hit push/skull.
In the end, a 4+ 4+ 3+ dodge to score. Made. That's OK. It's fun. :)
So, 2nd half is where the bullshit begins.
T2: 2+ (gfi) 2+ (dodge) for 2D on the ball... snaked the 1st gfi.
T3: Got 1D next turn... skull RR both down. The ghoul didn't have block, so despite being crap dice, it's OK. AG5 within range of the ball... just 2+ dodge 2+ pick up... snaked the dodge.
T4: Got 2D on the ball with a few dodges (all with dodge). Get both downs rerolled to push skull.
3+ dodge to score? Easy.
So... my drive... get a reroll \o/ looks good. However I'm pissed off and make a rash decision. Of course, the loner block hits skull / both down and the reroll fails. Game over.
My dice were average to shocking for the entire game. It wasn't fun to play.”