“Beautiful Game, nuffle is dieing for laugh on the pitch for that Game. WEEHEE I choked that stupid Necs pretty hard :D. I dont let them rolls POWS or working 1Dices, So there cannot make anything else as being kicked from the pitch from the journeys.
I have to Say it was an realy good Game was never seeing before so much pushes and both Downs before, that every Second 1Dice is a 1, on my Side is nearly normal but the Second is than aswell higher as a 2 but in this Game not. Snaking 4 gfi, 2 Dodge and 2 Pick Up Rolls is to hard vs Journeys who Dodging on 4, Picking Up Balls on 3 and Powing the Guys from the Pitch when I roll the 1ns anywhere else must be the otherside of the Dice.
Good Game, well Stalled. I hade Stalling, I play here for Fun not in a Tourney so no more vs u.”
I have to Say it was an realy good Game was never seeing before so much pushes and both Downs before, that every Second 1Dice is a 1, on my Side is nearly normal but the Second is than aswell higher as a 2 but in this Game not. Snaking 4 gfi, 2 Dodge and 2 Pick Up Rolls is to hard vs Journeys who Dodging on 4, Picking Up Balls on 3 and Powing the Guys from the Pitch when I roll the 1ns anywhere else must be the otherside of the Dice.
Good Game, well Stalled. I hade Stalling, I play here for Fun not in a Tourney so no more vs u.”