“With the new MasterChef's Challenge up and running, I could finally show my talents with halflings. First up was of course Dorfs. No inducments, no skills, just plain bloodbowl. It started slowly. The halflings had problems getting the ball to the right player, and when I finally got to toss a halfling, he failed landing. After that the halflings gave up hope, and one by one left the field until the dorfs scored. Second half started as the first one ended, more halflings left the field, and the dorfs scored again. In the final drive, there were few halflings left. Too few turns left to win, but I went for a TTM anyway, and again a failed landing. A halfling which got a skill through passing the ball once, was then killed and the game ended with nothing for the halflings. The only good thing about the game was that the MVP ended on a halfling which didn't die or get injured, and got a +st boost on the skill roll. I hope I'll have better luck in the next game.”
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