If I have possibility it's possible.
Why to play without player, without dice after hard turns for me.
I prefere to left that to kill my team.
2x MVP and 2 dices for gold is enough ? isnt'it ?
what interest to play when no match ?
I annouce to you my intention to quit... So no surprise for you
Have a nice day
Je ressemble a ce que je veux ;)
Tu n'as pas à me donner des lecons de morale c'est tout.
Je peux abandonner. Je le fait. De quoi te plains tu ? Des 3xp de ta goule ?
Le gamin n'est peut etre pas celui que l'on croit . mdr”
to concede legally u must be loosing and having not possibility to draw and u conceded on first half with a 0-0 score (note i was not stalling)
also u could have more than 2 players out to play the 'outnumbered card'
i told u game was not over and that i should score at least...
tu ne resembles pas ci gamin que ça sur la photo...”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
If I have possibility it's possible.
Why to play without player, without dice after hard turns for me.
I prefere to left that to kill my team.
2x MVP and 2 dices for gold is enough ? isnt'it ?
what interest to play when no match ?
I annouce to you my intention to quit... So no surprise for you
Have a nice day
Je ressemble a ce que je veux ;)
Tu n'as pas à me donner des lecons de morale c'est tout.
Je peux abandonner. Je le fait. De quoi te plains tu ? Des 3xp de ta goule ?
Le gamin n'est peut etre pas celui que l'on croit . mdr”