CTV 1080k Dwarf


Halfling CTV 780k+300k


Inducements: Star player Deeproot Strongbranch
#1 Long Drong – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#2 William Kidd – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#3 The Lady – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first half was plodding along, the flings played well opening up space and their Av was holding up. Then the flings made a break for it. Their ball carrier was exposed to a blitz, however the blitz needed 2 GFI to make it and as it was a blodge ball carrier it was far from a certain thing. Sadly for the dwarves their turn started with a double skulls which they RR'd and sure enough the GFIs failed however the Troll slayer tripped and seriously injured him self in the process, the apo was used as the dwarves felt there wouldnt be many injuries this game and it failed.
Then the Flings walked the ball in for a TD though before that their treeman BH a couple of flings. Then the ball was kicked off and both sets of fans threw a rock, the Fling was fine, no harm done, but another Dwarf Blocker was BH. Meaning there was 4 players out. They tried their best to pull one back but they ended up needing a pow against a DT fling followed by a 3+ dodge, the pow didnt come so they RR'd the block dice and the RR was pushes. leaving the dwarf a 5+ dodge which he of course failed. Before the half was over though the Flings managed another BH leaving 6 players against 11 for the 2nd half.
The Dwarves had never imagined they would get such a beating from the little guys.
The Dwarves then stuck 3 of their players together, sent one blocker down the opposite wing hoping to draw a tree away which it did. and marked the other trees with their remaining two players which they had to due to setting 3 up on the LoS.
The tree's quickly dispatched of another Troll slayer leaving 5 against 10 at this point and things looked really bleak for the Dwarves.
The flings surrounded the 3 dwarves trying to score and started blocking them, setting up a half dice crowd surf against the block ball carrier. This time though it was the halflings turn to fail a GFI for the Blitz, which gave the flings a small opening. The Runner blocked his way out of the pack and ran down field making 2 GFI without RR (the RR was used on the block which at first was double skulls) this gave him just enough breathing space to avoid being hit. He continued running with the flings in hot persuit. But they couldn't catch him and he ran the ball in on turn 7.
The flings had 2 turns left to score. They moved 2 flings down field for a potential pass, though more likely as a decoy to draw players out of the central area ready for a TTM which they positioned their players for. Their tree blocked a player out of the way for their TTM the following turn but rolled 3 both down. Which was RR'd. This left the flings without any RR for thepick up this turn, which they made. The final turn the flings needed a 4+ hand off, a 2+ TTM a 4+ landing and probably 2 GFIs.
The hand off worked, the throw worked, by now the Dwarves were on their knees, and then splat, the Fling failed the 2nd of their 4+ rolls and the game was over.
The dwarves sighed a huge sigh of relied. Although on paper they obviously should have had this one in the bag the game didn't turn out anything like planned and in the 2nd half being down to 6 men they came out the happier of the two teams with the result.”