“I had the temerity to believe I could take on a team so much higher ranking than I, since he only had 8 players. (Which became 7 2 turns into the game with a bh.) And indeed, I was keeping things close. Score was 3-2, I had the ball and a clear path to the endzone, but alas, I wanted somebody different to score, so I had him go in and tried to pass the ball to him from one square away. Double 1's, ball's on the far corner endzone square, surrounded by 4 high elves. Only one dark elf close, the str 4, ag 5 leaping super-blitzer. He raced in, dodging around blocks, then 1d blocking my guy into the ball, where it scattered into his hands. Multiple hits on him resulted only in skulls knocking me over, whereupon his ag 5 enabled him to race away and pass the ball forward, where despite my best efforts I could not get to the ball carrier. (Quad skulls and double-1's dodging also helped him in this regard.) So what should've been a 3-3 tie with 5 more turns to take the ball away and potentially score once more for the win ended up being a 4-2 loss. Sigh. Guess I'll consider this a lesson in being greedy in sp's spreading.”
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