“[B}loody n00bs got in mah face, so I had to palm der face and say, git owda mah face! I almos scoe in the furst half, but the lucky bugga dodged out and smash me in da mouff. I decide to smask him back in da mouff, but I wuz gonna use a bigga stick. He brung a ruler, you bring a spoon. Dat is da rulez. Shawn Cawnerry taught me dat in da UnTouchables.
My opponunt was vewy pleasunt, but I hate whena guy dunt say GG at da end. I dunn said it owta courteously. AnyBufdy ewlse readen dis, pleaze say GG at the end even if you dunn don' meen it.”
My opponunt was vewy pleasunt, but I hate whena guy dunt say GG at da end. I dunn said it owta courteously. AnyBufdy ewlse readen dis, pleaze say GG at the end even if you dunn don' meen it.”