CTV 1700k+250k Lizardmen


Inducements: Star player Slibli
Necromantic Horror CTV 1960k
50k (-20000)


No change
#3 Old Scar – Dead (RIP)
#8 Noffin Da Moffin – Groin Strain (MNG)
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Bloodbath scored soon after, thanks to the impressive movement and nimbleness of the werewolves, and some very Professional zombies. Around this time, Valentine had let down the whole team by rolling a shocking quad skulls, followed by triple skulls on his very next block. The lizards did manage to counterscore and equalize, though.
In the next half, Benedict proved how on-game he was–– cas'ing 2 werewolves on successive turns (one on a defense block, one of his own), the former regenerating, and the latter RIPing.
With 6 Necro KOs, and only 5 of their players remaining on the field, the Lizards thought it would be safe to take the ball in, and attempt another TD. Lo and behold, all 6 return, while the skink KO'd on turn 1 continues to sleep! 10 against 11 seemed dire, and a tie likely. FC Bloodbath came very close to out-manuevering the Popes when they committed too heavily to one side, but the lizards managed to get enough TZs on the last wolf to trip him up in is goal-line plunge.
FC Bloodbath got mighty diced, but the raw skill of coach Toombs kept them in the game until the very last turn.