CTV 1540k Ogre

No change

Necromantic Horror CTV 1500k+50k

13000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#5 Shane Mcmahon the 5th – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#6 Snotface – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#4 Méllion – Broken Neck (-AG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
After a poor touchback Les was knocked down as the Necros received. Two of our Ogres immediately went dumb and another needed all his training to prevent him immediately crumbling against a weaker foe. However Big Daddy collapsed easily. A Wolf then advanced, a snot was ko'd and another Wolf (Wulfer) did a devestating blow at Giant Haystacks who for a few moments appeared to be dead! What a start!! The crowd were shocked at the big superstar's demise but the apo rushed in and in his greatest ever work saved Haystacks life. Later back in the dugout Haystacks said he was fine and ready to play on. Shane Mcmahon then was also given a retiring injury.
We were in collapse already and couldn't seem to respond. Another snot was cas'd. Jim Breaks saw we needed to do some damage and blitzed a zombie, ko'ing the thing. After some more tussling Les then broke the neck of a Flesh Golem to give us hope. During this time Beserkir (a Wolf) was waiting by the end zone.
Another snot was cas'd and then Jim breaks was stunned. A zombie fouled him but was seen and sent from the pitch. Little more happened in the next scrums bar a snotling cas'd and also a Wight. The Wolf scored.
Due to the difference in bench we actually came back at half time with 11 players v 8 and the thoughts we could come back from the poor 1st half td defence, especially as Big Daddy caught the ball. A snot soon went out as we advanced, as did a zombie. But then disaster struck. Haystacks went dumb, as did Kendo despite trying to draw on the team training! Big Daddy couldn't be freed from the Golem's hold now so he tried to dodge away. Alas he was too clumsy and fell, badly hurting himself! Necros then surrounded the ball. After stunning some wrestlers a Wolf tried to pick up but spooned it and his teammate managed to catch it. Kendo then brought him down but under pressure another necro player caught the loose ball! The ghoul who caught then tripped up and incredibly another ghoul then grasped it. But Les finished off the crazy drive by knocking him down and then Jake dodged through and took the ball into the endzone for 1-1.
So Lycanthropie set up with 8 v our 9 and and just 3 turns to score. It seemed a good chance but we did a much better kick this time landing short, and it was dropped in front of our LOS ogres. But a Wolf did a fantastic blitz which brought down Les and then he also picked up the ball. Haystacks had a chance to get at him but stood dumb once more. After that disappointment the Wolf only had to shrug off snots and he went off to get the late winner. Jim Breaks was tripped up by a Wight behind him.
A bit too much stupidity today but definitely some excitement.”