The Undead didn't even roll very well, and we were so badly out-classed, we never had the slightest chance in hell.
This team might be headed for retirement. Put down 4 injured saurus after the game, including 2 POMBers and 3 Blodgers, as well as a very bloaty skink. We'll hope that does something, and give it a few more games. If they don't improve, they're gonners!”
The Undead didn't even roll very well, and we were so badly out-classed, we never had the slightest chance in hell.
This team might be headed for retirement. Put down 4 injured saurus after the game, including 2 POMBers and 3 Blodgers, as well as a very bloaty skink. We'll hope that does something, and give it a few more games. If they don't improve, they're gonners!”