CTV 1110k Tomb Kings


Nurgle CTV 1100k+50k

12000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#1 Jimmy Fantastic – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#7 Francois Sagat – Smashed Hand (MNG)
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Griefers lost the toss and had to kick - a perfect corner one!
First turn we pressured a little, 2nd turn the Khems failed the pick up and it scattered forwards a bit. Party boy attempted a 2+ dodge to pressure the ball and KO'd himself - not a good start. Turn 4 the Khems picked up the ball finally and got a big cas on a NW - no regen.
The Khems had not really caged properly and with some dodges and GFI we were able to pop the ball loose on our T4.
there was a bit of scrambling from both sides and by turn 5 we both had used our RR s and tbh we had quite a lot of pressure on the ball.
By our turn 6 there was basically no threat of a khemri TD so we took a chance and blitzed the ball with a non Block man, hoping to free up our Block Pesti for a possible TD. Sadly we got the inevitable both down and got seriously injured - no regen. Nothing much happened for the rest of the half except a NW actually regenerating from a SI.
2nd half we made 1/2 KO rolls so it was 8 vs 11. Not good when being so outstrengthed. I probably should have just tried to fully protect the ball and play for the draw but instead made a bit of a feint down the flank hoping that the Khems would over commit one way or another and I could either stall more safely or hopefully maybe get the win.
The draw was actually looking quite possible despite being outnumbered 6-10 but on turn 5 I made a very bad error, blitzing with a Pestigor hoping for a pow instead of using the rotter to blitz to mark the Blitz-Ra who was the only player in range of my ballcarrier.
The Blitz-Ra promptly surfed my ballcarrier, got a decent bounce and then the Throw-Ra picked it up first try.
Looking at the replay it was nowhere near as bad a dicing as it felt at the time, although of course being men down with an un agile team like Nurgle vs a team that outstrengths you really sucks.
Thanks for the game dude.
TF points - 1 = 1 pt