“I would've signed for a draw at halftime, even with being 1-0 up, but things turned out somewhat differently.
8 vs 11 wasn't that bad of a matchup in hindsight, first half was pretty brutal in terms of bans, and cas and kos suffered added a fair bit to the numbers problem. So I started out conservatively and hoped for that one chance at the ball. One of the opponent's flamers dropping his bomb gave me the opportunity, and I got the pow I needed. From then on it was a tight brawl with both sides gaining the upper hand on several occasions. I did manage to crawl closer and closer towards the endzone though and in the end, with the equaliser being impossible, Croixfer focussed on causing cas. Probably would have done the same thing.
'twas a rainy day for celestial dreamers and not just figuratively. It poured the whole match and while both teams suffered through it, it helped me a tad more, perhaps giving me the edge I needed in the second half.
“Too many times I tend to focus on my strengths and weaknesses instead of my opponent´s. I did so today failing to realize what goblins were good at.
That, together with the bombs not working properly anytime in the game (as per my perception) gave too much room to my opponent second half perfect drive vs a complete squad including 1 tackler.
But so it is. I think result is fair enough as Syron did well. True he was a bit lucky on a couple of decissive situations (like the pow on the ball carrier) but luck favours the brave. Congrats mate.”
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8 vs 11 wasn't that bad of a matchup in hindsight, first half was pretty brutal in terms of bans, and cas and kos suffered added a fair bit to the numbers problem. So I started out conservatively and hoped for that one chance at the ball. One of the opponent's flamers dropping his bomb gave me the opportunity, and I got the pow I needed. From then on it was a tight brawl with both sides gaining the upper hand on several occasions. I did manage to crawl closer and closer towards the endzone though and in the end, with the equaliser being impossible, Croixfer focussed on causing cas. Probably would have done the same thing.
'twas a rainy day for celestial dreamers and not just figuratively. It poured the whole match and while both teams suffered through it, it helped me a tad more, perhaps giving me the edge I needed in the second half.
Really fun game, rematch anytime!”