CTV 1070k+50k Nurgle

13000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Card Gikta's Strength of da Bear
Norse CTV 1130k


No change
#8 Trevor Death – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#8 Trevor Death – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#3 Roar Orcmangler – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#5 Bjorn Bearskin – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
But then disaster - the weather changed to pouring rain!
Some careful blockings meant that our pestigors were still safe when Francois Sagat finally picked the ball up on turn4!
Turn 6 we were able to surf the Blodge runner and make a bit of a break for it.
Thankfully the dice were kind and the turn 8 TD was pretty easy in the end.
2nd half started 11 v 11 due to both of us having 13 mens.
We were doing quite well defensively until turn 3 when a NW both downed and knocked himself out.
Our plan was to conserve RR for OT, but maybe without that KO we could have really applied some pressure.
It was never comfortable for the Norses, and on turn 7 we managed to blitz the ball and pick up, but they got it back and walked in the score on turn8.
The Norse won the coin toss for OT, and it started with their 10 vs our 11 and 0 RR for them compared to 2 for us.
Turn 1 however they removed two rotters. Thankfully they failed the pick up and " Gikta's Strength of da Bear" was played on Aesthetic Goat to knock down the Snow Troll and hopefully put some heat on.
Eventually we broke down the Norse offence somehat and a crucial double skull let us 2d the ballcarrier, KO and perfect scatter!
The chase was on and finally Party Boy picked up the lose ball for the TD on turn 24 - nice!
Thanks for the game fella, pretty epic!