CTV 1090k Shambling Undead

No change

Inducements: 1 bribe
Halfling CTV 780k+300k

9000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 3 bribes, 1 halfling master chef
#5 Lio – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#8 Abacus Kofflon – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#6 Ned Stoutbarrel – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#7 Hoppin' Harry Halfwise – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
we were able to arrange a match against the Ryder's Cove Half-Masters, a team made up of men as small as children. They refer to themselves as "halflings" and don't seem too scary on their own. Alas, they brought two tree-like creatures with them, stronger than our mummies and nigh impossible to move.
The small men were hard to grab, they slipped through everywhere, stole the ball and managed to score twice with an impressive passing play, even though we were able to remove them from the pitch fairly easy. Another touchdown was scored in a really awkward manner: A tree-man threw the small man carrying the ball over our players' heads towards our endzone, he landed rather gracefully and ran it in.
Their tactics were quite dubious and I still wonder how they can be legal (as well as bringing those tree-things onto the pitch). Especially since an attack against a player on the ground by Abacus was sanctioned with a send-off. I judge the referees here even less trustworthy than in general.
Our players did perform satisfying, even though we did lose. The wights' ball handling improved further and all players seem to be capable of hitting hard, as they should. However, some of the skeletons get fragile already, I consider replacing them once we are able to get new supplies. The inhabitants of Ryder's Cove either burn or drown their bodies, hence there's nothing to get here, unless we raise them directly on the pitch, like we did with the rat-man (who did neither prove himself superior nor inferior to our skeleton players yet).
Inquiries haven't gotten any further. I'm quite certain I won't be able to find any of the knowledge you seek in here.
We should be able to play another match against the master's team before we continue traveling and leave this rather uninteresting place.
~ Black Wolf, Ryder's Cove”