CTV 2010k Chaos Chosen

30k (-20000)

Norse CTV 1940k+60k
70k (-20000)

16000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Star player Boomer Eziasson
#10 Mr McNasty III – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The fans launch a catapult from the nosebleed seats and crushes down on the chaos's champion claw guard minotaur! We never saw him again, hidden under the rock for the remainder of the match!
thought we had this sewn up, until again, we tossed the warrior into the fans with the ball...and they threw it all away across the board...denying us our rightful touchdown! The fans spoke!
The seconed half was a modest disaster. The warriors broke through our ranks and played at the endzone, until the Dark Avenger showed...and crushed upon man and beast alike. Eventually Drill gets a tackle zone.
Almost tied, but slipped inthe endzone...denied again. oh well...we steal all the popcorn money and drive off! Leaving the vendors to chase from behind!
Haahaha, thy feet shall never catch a Hellbound Charioteer!”