“Coach TheSyron had the following to say to the reporters after the game:
"I'll use this platform the press has so graciously given, me to talk a few minutes about the pain and suffering of mutes and not about game as that was a one-sided affair, although there was much suffering in it too. Especially Juan Carlos, ouch!
For starters I'll say than none of us can really know what it is to be a mute person. I can only imagine it being very tough, never knowing whether the other person truly understands your inner complexity and some might misinterpret it as having a dull, blank mind! That must be awful.
Secondly I think it must be hard that they also can't suffice to society's standards. As they are never able to respond to a compliment, a friendly gesture or a goodbye. Some people might think that they're inconsiderate brutes! That gnawing doubt all mutes have because of this must be dreadful.
So I hope that all the fans, players, coaches and other lovers of this beautiful game will look into their heart and remove the bad feelings and thoughts they have about mutes as it's not their fault and it's not something they can 'improve upon'.
"I'll use this platform the press has so graciously given, me to talk a few minutes about the pain and suffering of mutes and not about game as that was a one-sided affair, although there was much suffering in it too. Especially Juan Carlos, ouch!
For starters I'll say than none of us can really know what it is to be a mute person. I can only imagine it being very tough, never knowing whether the other person truly understands your inner complexity and some might misinterpret it as having a dull, blank mind! That must be awful.
Secondly I think it must be hard that they also can't suffice to society's standards. As they are never able to respond to a compliment, a friendly gesture or a goodbye. Some people might think that they're inconsiderate brutes! That gnawing doubt all mutes have because of this must be dreadful.
So I hope that all the fans, players, coaches and other lovers of this beautiful game will look into their heart and remove the bad feelings and thoughts they have about mutes as it's not their fault and it's not something they can 'improve upon'.
Ogre out." ”