CTV 1810k High Elf

20k (-10000)
No change

Amazon CTV 1620k+160k

20000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Helmut Wulf
#2 Sindirion – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#9 Landulon – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#13 Celeborn – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Avengers were missing their much feared +ST blitzer, Vandiel, but were still heavy favourites until the referee allowed the girls to recruit a chainsaw-wielding maniac to even the odds.
The Amazons opted to receive hoping to exploit any chinks in the Elven defense. And chinks soon appeared with two of the first four blocks ending in KOs. Two more KOs began turn 3 and the elves were looking dangerously short-handed. The situation become irretrievable a moment later as Lindsey brutally tackled star +AG catcher, Sindirion, with the doctor only able to save his life at the expense of his collarbone -ST.
Despite starting turn 3 with five off the field and half of the others lying down Coach Mellion made an amazing play featuring a number of dodges into and out of tacklezones to sack Tilly as she neared the endzone. After she righted herself the next turn a second heroic elven effort saw the ball stripped from her grasp. It was all in vain though as Rhonda sent a fifth elf from the field with his ears ringing, the mad gardener carved the one turn touchdown artist, Celeborn, in half and Tilly tap-danced in for the score. 1-0
The chainsaw was banished, but with two KOs and a kill in 5 turns he had earned his wages. Amazingly or, perhaps, wisely none of the five KO'd elves chose to take the field for the kick-off. A short kick, combined with a Perfect D and a failed pick-up showed everyone who Nuffle wanted to win today. A desperate and desperately impressive series of dodges allowed a 1d block on Ruby, the ball-carrier. She shrugged it off though and after Rhonda had fractured another elf's arm and sixth elf had been KO'd she was home. 2-0
Both Nuffle and the crowd seemed to realise that things were quite out of hand at this point - half the knock-outs woke up in time for the last turn of the half and Sarah was stunned by a missile from the stands. But with just six elves and without the one-turner the best the Avengers could achieve was a completed pass. Oh, and another KO, skulling against Rhine.
The seven healthy elves began the second half by receiving the ball and running it deep into Amazonian territory. However it was impossible to adequately mark all the girls and the ball-carrier was swiftly KO'd. After another elf KO'd himself failing a dodge there were only five elves to stop the eleven young ladies. More astonishing dodges and 1d blocks followed as Coach Mellion put up a fierce fight. But by turn 4 with eight out and the other four flat on their back it was too big of an ask. 3-0
Six vs eleven at the kick-off which fell at the feet of the Amazonian line. Not to be deterred celebrated thrower, Athalion, picked it up in three tacklezones and threw a beautiful spiral across the field which was then advanced to within sight of the goalline. Were the Avengers about to get their revenge?
No, Nuffle was having none of it today. The ball-carrier was unceremoniously sacked before the pigskin was scooped up by Zoe, handed-off to Abby and dropped by Nancy. With only a turn left and the six elves now hopelessly out of position all they could do was skull themselves on a 1d block and then watch as Abby put the final seal on a total massacre. 4-0
As one-sided a game as I have ever been a part of. I don't believe the elves broke armour a single time. There were skulls, failed GFIs, failed pick-ups on a 2+, an almost useless apo, a death. The guys were four men down before Coach Mellion got to move them twice. That he did as well as he did is a tribute to his skill. He remained a true gent throughout the nuffling and kept a sense of humour about it. Would replay him anytime, Nuffle won't always be on my side and I suspect the Avengers will have their avenge!