CTV 1180k Nurgle

15000 (2 FAME)
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Shambling Undead CTV 1170k
#15 Sid Vicious – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#15 Sid Vicious – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#6 Oden Yiuka – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#8 Abacus Kofflon – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#13 Rumpert Spenkis – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
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Jesters have the last laugh
The Night Terrors of Pockara suffered defeat at the hands of the Graveshade Jesters. This was their first time playing against a more solid opponent and they didn't handle it well.
The Night Terrors started kicking and led to some bad blocks by both sides. But the Jesters started to get the better of it and Sid was soon viciously assualted leaving some parts of his body on the pitch. The Jesters were able to comfortably walk in the ball for a touchdown.
The second half saw the Night Terrors recieve and they managed to run in a touchdown without too much difficulty midway through the half. But this left the Jesters too much time on the clock. Outnumbered and outblocked the Night Terrors just couldn't keep them at bay. Pennimay with acres of space was allowed to calmy walk the ball in to the endzone. 2-1 Jesters. It was all too esy for them in the end.
Councilman Frederick Rotbottom had this to say
"What can I say we were overconfident. Our blocking was substandard today as was our marking. Time and time again the Jesters were able to walk through us. The only bright spot was Luther who continues to show his talent.
The lads are still upbeat though and are looking forward to returning home to their loved ones soon."”