CTV 2260k Elven Union

60k (-40000)
19000 (1 FAME)
No change

Chaos Chosen CTV 2100k+150k
60k (-30000)


Inducements: 1 wizard
#4 Sierra IV – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#6 Boyd Langton V – Dead (RIP)
#7 Topher Brink IX – Dead (RIP)
#12 Bennett Halverson VIII – Dead (RIP)
#13 Daniel Perrin VI – Dead (RIP)
#14 Whiskey V – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
An epic game that had many twists and turns and after we were denied time and time again from scoring the winning touchdown, finally deep in overtime the ball bounced our way and we scored. Winning the game - then spending the next several days burying all our dead. In total we suffered 7 CAS: 2 SI, 5 RIP -- we apothed one of the RIPs to keep our thrower in the game for OT.
The first half was all elves - but we suffered 3 players removed on the first turn. However, we managed to bust the cage and had our DT next to the ballcarrier - a failed blitz by the chaos meant they had to resort to a 2d block without tackle - which pushed the DT, but fend prevented the follow-up and then the 1d block by the chaos was a skull. We took down the ballcarrier and after a turn of jostling - we managed to score to make it 1-0. However, we constantly were failing dodges - and failing blocks - so all our RRs were burned fast.
The second drive of the first half, a wonderful short kick and failed pickup by the chaos allowed us to steal the ball and race sidelines. We expected the wizard, but the chaos relied on their muscle and got the POW they needed as we had marked up the tacklers. Here is where being out of RRs really hurt us - as the chaos for most of the rest of the half had some poor dice - not able to string together knockdowns to really clear the ball as our blodge/ss/fend gave them fits. However, we failed the 2+ dodge to pass to the endzone...then we failed the 2+ pickup to run into the endzone...then we failed it again. Then on turn 8, the chaos seriously injured both of our catchers - along with 4 rips already to this point we were seriously short handed. Not using the wizard turned out to work well for them at this point.
Second half, we received, but a short kick followed by a double skull on our first block, then failed gfi to pick up the ball and instantly the chaos steam rolled the few remaining elves and nearly cleared the pitch as they scored to make it 1-1 and force OT.
Overtime, we had 7 elves (our best players November stayed in the KO box) against a full 11 choas. However, we won the toss and even with perfect defense, the touchback gave us a chance. Our two blitzers were our only receivers as the thrower dropped back with just a single lineman to help (in case of lightning bolt). We did not expect much, but got a shot, a 3+ pass from our thrower to the AG 5 blitzer (2+ catch, 3 2+ dodges past tackle, 1 gfi) - the pass worked, team RR used on a dodge and it was down to the gfi to win it and TRIP! Right on the goal line with the ball falling and sitting in the endzone...the chaos raced back - and we were desperate now - we dodged for a -2d blitz which was neutral. We did not RR, deciding to try to use our 2 sidestepping blitzers to buy time...it worked as the chaos could not get free from the blitzers and then we managed get our thrower (guard) up into the melee and manufactured a 1d blitz. The one blitzer was lightning bolted - but only for a knockdown - so the 1d blitz was a pow and we had the ball. More bad dice for the chaos as their final RR did not help bring down the ballcarrier...we then did a 1d blitz into a beastman to shove him out of the way and score the winning TD.
Crazy back and forth and certainly an entertaining game! Thanks!”