CTV 3540k+950k Chaos Chosen
70k (-120000)
No change
Inducements: 1 wizard, 2 wandering apothecaries, 2 bloodweiser kegs, 1 halfling master chef, 1 bribe, 1 extra team training session
Human CTV 3790k+700k
20k (-190000)
18000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: 1 wizard, 2 wandering apothecaries, 2 bloodweiser kegs, 2 bribes, Card Magic Gloves of Jark Longarm
#12 Rogers – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#3 H 'My Body is an Army' Walker – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#10 Larry 'Helm Crusher' Allen – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#14 V 'Line Fodder' Young – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First off, a big thanks to Christer for the site, and making this match possible.
Second, thank you to Harvestmouse who came up with the idea.
Third, thank you to Painstate, for leading the Bucs through more than a thousand matches, and meeting us on the pitch.
Finally, thank you to all the coaches I've laughed & cried with. Ten thousand games is mind boggling.
About the matchup:
While it was low on the casualty end, it was high on excitement!
Not taking out the LOS meant there was a heated fight in the first half. The Bucs removed players just as fast as the WMDs, and stole the ball. With the wizard's help, the ball was regained, and a lucky turn 6 with key kos secured the drive.
The second half started with a quick two turn score by the Bucs, followed up with a Blitz!
The chef was on his job, and taking two rerolls was a big help.
The blitz resulted in a no go, as both-down results were rerolled for more both-downs.
There was a bit of a battle, and the WMDs were able to remove enough players to secure the win.
Thanks again to everyone on this site.
Here's to 10,000 more!”