CTV 1560k Slann

13000 (1 FAME)
No change

Norse CTV 1100k+450k


Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 extra team training session, Star player Boomer Eziasson, Star player Helmut Wulf, Mercenary Merc Lineman 1
#1 John Taylor – Dead (RIP)
#2 Svifti Brandrfut – Dead (RIP)
#5 "Big Dawg" Bjornbofr – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The 'Sons chose to receive, and ended up with the ball handler mid-backfield but well protected. First block the 49'ers BH'd the one MB on the 'Sons team, inviting them to use their apo early and wishing "good luck" to the rest of the unskilled team. Before they could capitalize on that or pressure the backfield more than with one player, a failed dodge ended that turn early. Turn 2 the 'Sons caged up just short of midfield before double-down took down their Snow Troll, who survived the inevitable foul. Turn 3 another double-down kept the troll down before the cage, now marked by the Krox, could move - and things did not look as good. The Krox BH'd an Ulf and marked the ballcarrier, and the 49'ers ballhawk popped the ball loose on a 1d by turn's end.
Turn 4 the 'Sons had to take some risks to keep things from getting out of control, and got away with some 1d blocks to form a semi-screen and flank back to the center of the pitch, and the 49'ers in turn took some risks but did not get away with them, a RR'd Loner block was followed by a bone-headed Blitz fail by the krox, and that in turn followed by a 1d skull to end their turn with little effect, and the Sons beat feet toward the far sideline. The frogs responded well, using their last RR but stopping the Sons Turn 6 and sending the second Ulf off the pitch MNG. But the sons forced a gap open and scored Turn 7.
Meanwhile, 2 surfed 49'ers had seen a welcome reception from the crowd and were not even KO'd, so almost a full roster came back turn 7, but Perfect Defense did no favours to that effort, and only 1 receiver broke free before another tripped, leaving the ball lying unguarded. The 'Sons recovered and survived Turn 8 to end the half with their 1-0 lead intact.
Second half saw 10 frogs face 9 norse, who had lost 2 ulfs, 2 players banned, and one more KO'd. An LoS kick (and Diving Catch) let the 49'ers move immediately past mid-field and cage up toward one side, but strong pressure encouraged them to score Turn 2, tie game, 1-1.
The Turn 2 kickoff was the 49'ers turn for Perfect Defense, and the 'Sons fielded the ball and moved forward, then RR'd double-skulls on their first block before trying to dodge men free, leaving themselves wide open, the ballcarrier marking the 49'ers ballhawk (who had been the target of that skulled block). To add injury to insult, the ensuing Turn 3 block killed the 'Sons Runner (who had scored the prev half, half-way to being a Blodger), and the 49'ers recovered and fell back to safety, up 10 players to 8 with 5 turns left to engineer the winning score.
After the 'Sons could only manage to surf one frog into the reserve box (friendly crowd clearly), the 49'ers tried a midfield pass, but so close to the Snow Troll that failed, and the ball fell back into the hands of the passer, and the 49'ers were only able to screen before their turn ended with a skull and another frog KO'd, evening the players on the pitch at 8-8. Turn 4 the 'Sons put on some pressure but lost a Loner trying to foul the Krox, but in response the '49'ers snaked the opening RR'd gfi blitz, leaving the St 2 ballcarrier marked.
And that was the start of the dice deciding that the 'Sons should win the game.
Their Turn 5 it broke wide open. The 'Sons popped the ball loose on the block, the Snow Troll dropped the Krox to allow a man to move downfield, another player recovered the ball and handed off to him, then another RR'd to survive a dodge v. Diving Tackle to set up a blitz to knock the last real threat in range to the turf and complete the screen of the ballcarrier - and only then, as a last thought, far from the play, the last player 1d blocked and killed the 49'ers 24 spp Mighty Blow Blitzer, to answer for the death of their Runner (among other injuries).
Turn 6 the 49'ers' Guard krox failed a Break Tackle and the RR, and the 'Sons scampered out of range to the goal line. The 49'ers Turn 7 the Frogs chose to stand no one up to attempt to create any pressure, and so were still out of range their Turn 8, allowing the 'Sons to score unchallenged Turn 16 for the win.