CTV 1350k+150k Underworld Denizens


Inducements: 1 wizard
Dwarf CTV 1530k

14000 (1 FAME)

No change
#1 Karl Hobart – Groin Strain (MNG)
#8 Jimmy Darkness – Dead (RIP)
#10 Ark Horlack – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#11 Bark Horing – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first half, the UW caused 4 casualties while the Dwarves couldn't even manage a KO, despite the former being out-blocked 20-26. The first turn was really the crucial one, with one rookie Goblin badly hurting a Dwarf in the first turn of his career, and The Razor of Demerra taking out the Dwarf killer. Soon after, Wrecker stomped into the Dwarf cage, using his tentacles to keep the ball pinned, while carnage was wrought all around him.
Kicking in the second half, the Dwarves bloodied their knuckles by taking out Corriander-Bottom, the team's beloved captain. The Lost Children responded by bloodying their knuckles, hands, claws, and arms in the gore of a freshly-decapitated Dwarf Blocker. Although the defense was spirited and nearly gained the ball, the Underworld's sheer numbers proved too much, and they sealed the game with another TD.
Coach Jackamon played well, but the dice were not with him.
best of luck in his future matches!”