CTV 1280k+80k Shambling Undead

No change

Inducements: Star player Sinnedbad
Skaven CTV 1360k

12000 (1 FAME)

#12 Pennimay – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#13 Rumpert Spenkis – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I have to report a small setback. We ran into the humanoid rats again and I agreed on another match. However, not only were they as fast and sneaky as last time, this time the hit our players hard. Rumpert Spenkis is no more, his remains were too shattered to put together once more. Pennimay will most likely not be able to take part in the next match as I had to put her into regeneration stasis. Even Commander Green was taken out and very early as well, luckily he did not take further damage.
On the other side, our players miserably failed in hurting those abominations. It's like they were not able to adjust to our usual style of play after the last match. I am worried. No chance to do some practice on living subject off the pitch in Liúnar as well. I'll try to arrange another match before we leave for Ryders Cove, but it's unlikely to happen.
The new informants I told you about in my last report haven't delivered any information yet either. I keep telling myself it's just not easy for them to get what we need without being discovered. I hope I'm right.
Anyway, I know you have time. We have established some connections here in Liúnár and eventually it'll pay of. So far we have not invested much.
Will we meet in Ryder's Cove before we head off to the tournament?
~Black Wolf, Liúnár”