“I decuded to summit dis rap,
becuze he wuz rude an dunnot chat.
Nawt his fawlt he cudn't relax
Its hard to follow mah impressive act.
I towtully just stawmped dese CDs,
Playin em seemed like u breeze.
Da Mercy ruwel starts wiff a "Please"
Dunt go away mad, Tree ut up an just leave!
Weez just a nasty sorta team,
Ruwen awl surts ov dreams.
whether thur hands can wash clean
We just lettun off sum steam!
Dis game pruves dat Nuffle Luvs meh,
I made a sane coach go carazy.
Cuddnt say da game wuz real eeze-aye,
Winnun always pleazes meh
Cuz I played wiff hiz Mind
Cuz I didnt took mah time.
Cuz killin leads mah ta ryhme
Why wudnt he just lay down an die?
Its really cuz I played reel Guwd,
An dese Khemri cum from da hood.
I wudnt ov
I shudnt ov
I probably cudnt ov
Stopped even if I wunt ov
No wun shud ov had ta deal with these Dead Wuds.
becuze he wuz rude an dunnot chat.
Nawt his fawlt he cudn't relax
Its hard to follow mah impressive act.
I towtully just stawmped dese CDs,
Playin em seemed like u breeze.
Da Mercy ruwel starts wiff a "Please"
Dunt go away mad, Tree ut up an just leave!
Weez just a nasty sorta team,
Ruwen awl surts ov dreams.
whether thur hands can wash clean
We just lettun off sum steam!
Dis game pruves dat Nuffle Luvs meh,
I made a sane coach go carazy.
Cuddnt say da game wuz real eeze-aye,
Winnun always pleazes meh
Cuz I played wiff hiz Mind
Cuz I didnt took mah time.
Cuz killin leads mah ta ryhme
Why wudnt he just lay down an die?
Its really cuz I played reel Guwd,
An dese Khemri cum from da hood.
I wudnt ov
I shudnt ov
I probably cudnt ov
Stopped even if I wunt ov
No wun shud ov had ta deal with these Dead Wuds.
Peace owt, Nuffle luvs bad Poetry.”