CTV 1320k+100k Human

14000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bribe
High Elf CTV 1420k


#7 Steve Swagger – Groin Strain (MNG)
#10 Bashful Ben – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#12 Blade – Dead (RIP)
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To be sure, this game was not easy . Only in the fourth quarter did it really feel like I had a sure touchdown. PigStar's guys were just too slippery early on, and though he couldn't stall me out, there was no point in the elves' offensive drive where it didn't look like they would score... as they ultimately did. In the second drive, I was able to clear a route but not to prevent a blitz. Fortunately, the result was a push/skull, and I got away on a chainpush TD. In the second half I was forced into the best of some bad moves putting my Thrower where he could be blitzed with some lucky dice, though at least I kind of had control over the space game and would have had a shot to recover if the elven blitz worked. It didn't, and I ran away with the ball at that point. PigStar took a couple more shots, so I started fouling and he backed off pretty fast, let me have the win.
Good ten turns of play. I look forward to a rematch.”