CTV 1520k+150k Necromantic Horror

No change

Inducements: 1 wizard
Halfling CTV 1680k

17000 (1 FAME)

No change
#11 Mr.Anderson – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#8 Merry – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#9 Gebedia – Smashed Hand (MNG)
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Luchalflings started with a TTM action in their turn 2 after a rude turnover on turn 1.
No other choiche other TTM and it was a TD!!!
Ater that Necrog got the ball Trashing a Tree and other 5 players and scoring.
Nest start and two turns to go! TTM!!! Rebound of the flying fling right on the head of an opponent and then still on his feets go for the TD!
Nooo, eve if Merry is renown for his sure feet he falls on the endline and fraktures his Skull!!
Here the second half with necros on the ball, it seems that luchas can't win.
Two flings out, turn 6, necros in a cage on 3 squared from TD!
The cage get surrounded and Rosco hit the ballcarrier right in the middle of the cage.
Then it's a brawl, franco gets the ball, escapes a block and passes to Losco!
He runns all over the pitch helped from the suicide defense of his companions, he's on 2 sqares fron the Td, survive a block and a fling comes to support him.
Losco blitzes and badly hurts the opponent, go for the td... GFI!!! MADE IT...
This was a semiretired team from about 5 Years, their return was awesome and really FUNNY!!
THANKS a lot to Vulture42 who's a real gentleman!”