Match #6 for Stable Cavetroll (match #2 for Jafaa [L]egion)
The [L]egion made a much better showing this game. I came close to scoring in the 1st half, but lost track of the clock. In truth, even if I had realized it was T7, I'm not sure I could have done anything differently. The Dark Elves did an excellent job of keeping me contained to one side for most of the 1st half. That Blitz! on the kickoff stalled my advance by a crucial turn. I was happy to knock a Blodger out on T1 and complete a pass \o/ 2nd half the Jafaa played a stout defense and nearly stopped the score twice. Bloody AG4 sillyness came through both times :) Had a chance to score in T16 when Rya'c nailed a beautiful Long Pass (6, 5+ needed) but Bra'tac (or maybe it was Teal'c) failed the catch (4, 6+ needed). He still would have had to blitz then make 2 dodges and a gfi, but I would have liked to make the catch and try.
Great game, feel I did a good job to stay in it and Setekh once again came through when I needed him. He is becoming my favorite Star Player to induce.”
Match #6 for Stable Cavetroll (match #2 for Jafaa [L]egion)
The [L]egion made a much better showing this game. I came close to scoring in the 1st half, but lost track of the clock. In truth, even if I had realized it was T7, I'm not sure I could have done anything differently. The Dark Elves did an excellent job of keeping me contained to one side for most of the 1st half. That Blitz! on the kickoff stalled my advance by a crucial turn. I was happy to knock a Blodger out on T1 and complete a pass \o/ 2nd half the Jafaa played a stout defense and nearly stopped the score twice. Bloody AG4 sillyness came through both times :) Had a chance to score in T16 when Rya'c nailed a beautiful Long Pass (6, 5+ needed) but Bra'tac (or maybe it was Teal'c) failed the catch (4, 6+ needed). He still would have had to blitz then make 2 dodges and a gfi, but I would have liked to make the catch and try.
Great game, feel I did a good job to stay in it and Setekh once again came through when I needed him. He is becoming my favorite Star Player to induce.”