CTV 1130k Human


Halfling CTV 1040k+100k

15000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 halfling master chef
#14 Colm Corbec – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#12 Sylvan Distillin' – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Match #9 for Stable Cavetroll (match #3 for Everdown Toffees FC)
Halfling Grenades! Flying furry feet everywhere! The Toffees had a few problems with landings (1 RIP, 1 or 2 BHs, and 2 KOs at least). Phil almost scored in the 1st half after running nearly the entire length of the field, but Dughan rerolled his blitz and got a both-down. Boo, Mr. Beltayn, boo! Phil got KO'd and took the rest of the half off. Then he got KO'd again early in the 2nd half and took the rest of the match off. Our only foul was from Johnny, who is a notoriously dirty booter, and it netted a KO but resulted in his ejection. Timber layed some serious Hardwood upside Colm Corbec's fragile noggin. Tony Sherbert completed a pass which then set up an improbable score in the dying minutes of the 2nd half, and Leon Rosemary took it to the HIZ-OUSE!
The humans did a bunch of unimpressive stuff but nobody really cares about them. Big folk are so boring.
After a series of dud chefs, we landed a winner this match. Our master chef stole 1 reroll the first half which was useful, and all THREE in the 2nd half. How the humans managed to walk without tripping over their bootlaces is beyond us.”