#3 Bionic Commando – Dead (RIP) #6 Rygar – Dead (RIP) #8 Metroid – Dead (RIP)
“Blood Bowl was designed in the 80's, when all the concepts of good game design were in their infancy. The existence of the Dwarf roster is the most paramount example of the kind of poor decisions that people doing design made before people began talking and thinking critically about strategy, balance and fun.
Sooner or later, Blood Bowl players will abandon their deep conservatism about the rules, and we will realize what a mistake this roster was, and it will be put aside, like so many terrible elements of Blood Bowl that have already been exorcised. And we will never, ever miss it. ”
Sooner or later, Blood Bowl players will abandon their deep conservatism about the rules, and we will realize what a mistake this roster was, and it will be put aside, like so many terrible elements of Blood Bowl that have already been exorcised. And we will never, ever miss it. ”