CTV 1080k Shambling Undead


Inducements: 1 bribe
Necromantic Horror CTV 1120k

12000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 bribe
#9 Cotton Candy Ghost – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
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This was another match where Kondor was happy to get away with a victory. The first half saw the Re-muertos dominating the pitch with the team from the mystery machine being pushed around like a rented wheel barrel. In fact, they were so comfortable that Lacayo could kick up his ghoulish mits and watch the action for a couple of turns while standing near the endzone.
Perhaps he was too comfortable. He watched while a zombie took a gratuitous block on a mummy and knocked himself down. Lycayo had never seen anything so helarious in his life. He howled in lafter ignoring the screams of his coach. The only thing that brought him back to his senses was the horn sounding the end of the half with him standing all alone outside of the endzone.
Needless to say, both teams came out of the mortuary for the second half intent on fixing the errors of the first half. Daphne was nominated to pick up the kick off. Scooby and Shagy popped open a hole and she was off to the races with Fred and Velma following for support. She thought about taunting the Re-muertos but remembered what had happened in the first half. A score here would mean at the very least the team should pull off a tie.
The kick off put the ball back in the hands of Lacayo. But this time Mystery Inc employed a better defense. A blocking error allowed pressure to be placed on Lacayo. He would trip trying to make a heroic dodge and sealed the victory for Mystery Inc.
Clearly something was wrong with Lacayo. At the end of the match all gathered around and looked closely at the error prone ghoul held tightly to the ground under the hefty foot of his own golem.
This was easy Fred proclaimed as he tore a very realistic mask from the players face. "Mister Whiggins!!" everyon ghasped. (Or in the Zombie's cases wheezed through punctured lungs.)
"Why he wasn't dead at all." comented Aeldur.
"No sir." said Velma. He was clearly paid to throw the match.
Wiggins shook his head. "And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren'tfor you kids and your pesky mut."
"Well at least I will get something out of this." said Aeldur. "Take him in back and feed him to the real ghouls and werewolves. We can't have the likes of him sullying out beautiful sport."
Thanks for the match Aeldur. Rematch some time.”