CTV 1320k+500k Tomb Kings


Inducements: 3 bribes, Star player Sinnedbad, Star player Hack Enslash
Dwarf CTV 1860k
40k (-10000)

15000 (1 FAME)

#9 Pharakh – Dead (RIP)
#91 Hack Enslash – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#2 Thorin Oakenshield – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#3 Gloin Axbreaker – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#6 Kili Longbeard – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
After hiring Sinnedbad and Hack Enslash, the Guardians' coach was second guessing himself.
The dwarves got the ball to start the game, and quickly get 2 Tomb Guardians KO, while a Khemri skeleton get ejected for trying to make a troll slayer pay for the piling on. Ahtaf get a nice shot at that troll slayer, almost killing him, but the apothecary was sober for once and saved him.
Still, it doesn't look good for the Guardians, but the dwarves get a bit impatient and leave an opportunity for a blitz on the runner carrying the ball. Khutef, the veteran Tomb Guardian does not miss that chance and get the runner down.
But the dwarf runner get the ball back and throw a Hail Mary Pass deep into the Guardians side, hoping they would be able to pick it up later. But that's when Sinnedbad get into play. After being stuck since the start he gets free and position himself to block the dwarves to advance too much. He survive the blitz the troll slayer and then managed to occupy the whole dwarf squad long enough to secure the tie at the end of the 1st half. He leaves the field KO, and then banned by the ref, but letting his team in a good position for the game.
The 2nd start, Hack Enslash come on the field, but the dwarves get an nice short quick and an early jump, blitzing the Guadians and leaving them with little hope.
But Hack had been waiting the 1st half in the reserve, so as soon as he saw Kili Longbeard on the ground after another piling on, he jump on him with his chainsaw! No one to save the troll slayer from the death this time.
A dwarf try to avenge his teammate but Hack is at his best and the dwarf get hurt. Hack keep slashing freeing the Thro-ra in the meantime. Rakaph pick up the ball and get past what is left from the Miners marked by the rest of the Khemris to score for the victory.
The two stars won the game for the Guardians, and leave the Miners in pretty bad shape for their next opponent. But whose going to feel bad for those dwarves? =)