#2 Louis Walsh – Gouged Eye (MNG) #3 The Vain One – Smashed Ankle (-MA) #7 The Greasy One – Gouged Eye (MNG)
“Nightmare game to continue the boys disastrous post Stunty Cup run. First game with the Stunty One out and the team fell to bits, both Spawn out early (no regen) and in a first for the boys not a single casualty all game with 44 blocks.
Low point was the Vain One going superstar only to fail a gfi and break his ankle, with the apo used on saving Louis from death. 7 wee flings to hold onto our 1-0 lead were not enough.
SPLAT Points (for giggles):
3 Points for a loss
5 Points for a TD
0 Points for Cas
0 points for RIPs
Low point was the Vain One going superstar only to fail a gfi and break his ankle, with the apo used on saving Louis from death. 7 wee flings to hold onto our 1-0 lead were not enough.
SPLAT Points (for giggles):
3 Points for a loss
5 Points for a TD
0 Points for Cas
0 points for RIPs
Total: 8 pitiful points”