CTV 2370k Dwarf

50k (-50000)
14000 (1 FAME)

Orc CTV 2000k+370k
60k (-20000)


Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary, Star player Ripper
#4 SpakkoCorra – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#12 Gnarl – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Teams are set-up, all dwarves on LoS to bash everything that breath, and only Kili Quickfoot II behind to pick up the ball. Something went wrong for dwarves and he didnt pick up the ball, so i run on the sideline with goblin, and throw a very difficult pass that go on his hands (2+ gfi 4+ pick 4+ throw 3+ catch), and in turn 8 Orcs go for 2-0, because of a failed pick up from dwarves.
Second drive dwarves set up to score fast, but a double skull [rr] double skull block them on their half pitch, so i gain 2-3 turns to set up a good defense, but outnumbered dwarves score easily on turn 6, now game is 2-1.
A blitz for dwarves came and match is open, players came in my half pitch, but with a -5yds pass, i took the ball in a safe position, and then game is closed, but still open untill my 8 turn came.
A very fun match! Grats Zeke!”