CTV 2100k Shambling Undead

70k (-30000)
16000 (1 FAME)

Dark Elf CTV 1800k+260k
30k (-10000)


Inducements: Star player Hubris Rakarth
#2 The Shadow – Dead (RIP)
#3 Lafrenzus – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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After we started the Game the Secondtime (we restarted cause he missclicked bye buying his Inducement) the Game start was pretty Bad for me. Perfect Defence and quit Bad Blocks and a Lost Mummy on an Stab from his Assa gave me alot of trouble. And he defendet well to an 0:0 to the Halftime.
Second Halftime it starts like the First, his First Roll Stabed me a Zomb BH and he Scored than fast to 1:0. I can manage in following Turns the 1:1 and get the Offence in the Overtime.
The Overtime started realy good for me with 2 Cas and in the following a save controlled 2:1 for me about an round about good Skilled Team, the Spam of Blodge was an realy hughe problem for me and Hubris made my life in the Game pretty hard and made an awesome Job on Side of the Darkies. Where on my Side made Geth, an awesome Game, he cleaned the Pitch well but his DT worked 1time from 8Dodges away from em, but his Great Hits and the SideStep Aktion made em to my Best Player on the Pitch.
The pretty young Dark Elf Team fight pretty Strong and when there can hold the Team together (no much cripplet and Dead Players), can it be an realy Good Team The Blodge basics be spamed now need the Team 1-2 Great Players like Hubris and there can win Tourneys :).
GJ, and it was an awesome Great Game :).”