CTV 1850k Norse

30k (-10000)

Orc CTV 1710k+100k

18000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: Star player Ugroth Bolgrot
#10 Halga the Wise II – Groin Strain (MNG)
#12 Skeld the Superstitious III – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#11 Tele 2 Arena III – Dead (RIP)
#12 Nobelhallen – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The All-Father wove the skein of your life a long time ago. Go and hide in a hole if you wish, but you won't live one instant longer. Your fate is fixed. Fear profits a man nothing.
The orcs won the toss, and many nay-sayers foretold their victory. But the Warriors of Valhalla would not give up that easily. If the greenskins wanted to win this game, they were going to have to do it over our cold, dead bodies! Or just are Seriously Injured and Badly Hurt bodies. And lots of KOs. They would have to physically remove us from the pitch to take away our ability to stop them because our desire for revenge would not be quenched. Oh, what's that you say? They did that? Oh, well, right then. We'll just get 'em in the 2nd half. 7 on 11, bring it. Oh, what's that, 6 on 11? Well, Antonio (Ahmed) won't fumble the pick... oh, he fumbled the pickup. Hm, now we're down to 5 on 11. Now 4. Buliwyf, even these odds up, will you? Oh, down to 10 orcs. now 9. It's all up to Antonio (Ahmed), he just needs to get away from this BoB and... crash. Eat dirt, Antonio. Well, at least Helfdane didn't get punked by a goblin. What's that you say? Snowball is blitzing? Ha ha ha ha ha... POW! Oof, eat dirt Helfdane. Three TDs?!? How the bloody hell did those orcs score 3 TDs? What were you guys doing? Oh, that's right, lollygagging around on the pitch. No, not you Buliwyf, you did good. And you did ok too Helfdane. The rest of you, you need to work on your staying power.
Thanks for a fun game, BooAhl. Very entertaining. GL in the finals.”