“A very tight game against a top notch 145 Coach, some very solid play from Coach Heff made the game very difficult and he only suffered in the first half because his players could not catch the ball worth toffee allowing for some sneaky halfing intervention.
A good TTM defense in the second half mean that a slow treeman crawl became the name of the game with the Star Player Relief being Ko'ed and reliance on 2nd string Tsunami becoming necessary. A few minor errors (ie taking Both Down against a player with block) on Coach Heff's part allowed the Turn 6 TD by Coach Atari in a game that should have ended in a tie given the respective skills. In hindsight, Coach Heff kicking off to the halfing team might have been the best option allowing his chainsaw to come in and tear some halfings apart in the 2nd half.
Coach Heff has vowed revenge and even now the little guys are preparing to meet his Killer dwarfs in an epic rematch. Though I can testify that they are feeling a little nervous having seen his abilities to coach a rather rambunctious team!
edited: as had Coach Heff's name wrong...sorry :( ”
A good TTM defense in the second half mean that a slow treeman crawl became the name of the game with the Star Player Relief being Ko'ed and reliance on 2nd string Tsunami becoming necessary. A few minor errors (ie taking Both Down against a player with block) on Coach Heff's part allowed the Turn 6 TD by Coach Atari in a game that should have ended in a tie given the respective skills. In hindsight, Coach Heff kicking off to the halfing team might have been the best option allowing his chainsaw to come in and tear some halfings apart in the 2nd half.
Coach Heff has vowed revenge and even now the little guys are preparing to meet his Killer dwarfs in an epic rematch. Though I can testify that they are feeling a little nervous having seen his abilities to coach a rather rambunctious team!
edited: as had Coach Heff's name wrong...sorry :(