CTV 1480k Vampire

No change

Shambling Undead CTV 1470k

17000 (1 FAME)

No change
#13 Petru cel Tanar – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#3 Fadil – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#16 Jafari – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
KFC North round 3
Zandri Starlight Corsairs nearly pull off the upset!
The first half, the vampires were nearly flawless. The coach however made a dumb mistake by marking two Ka Sabar players and allowing the easy blitz out to escape. Had I only marked the ghoul, there was no way to get a 2 die blitz on Wulfgar without rolling additional dice to move another marker in for the assist. But only 1 out of 20 Blood Lust rolls failed, and that was in T8 when it didn't matter. Mircea Florescu continues to drop easy passes to deny Ozymandias easy SPPs. But Ozymandias continues to fail easy 2+ dodges and break his armor. This time, it was only a KO. The wheels really came off in the 2nd half. Failed dodges, failed Blood Lust rolls, players getting KO'd or leaving the pitch due to the aforementioned failed rolls. Shebhorash was so damn hungry he ran off into the crowd in T7. He was supposed to be blitzing the ballcarrier :(
This was a game I felt I had a chance to force into Overtime, but the dice went pearshaped in T4 and T5 and I just burned through rerolls too fast. Still, it was a solid performance overall and I felt like I was in the game until T6 of the 2nd half. Our shining moment of the match was when Cleomenes of Numas single-handedly took out the amazing Fadil, AG boosted Wight! I was quite pleased by that hit. The Conquerors answered back with a foul to Petru cel Tanar, with the exact same injury. But the ref tossed the offender out, making it 3 total ejections out of 5 fouls. There were a lot of KOs and Stuns, but the CAS were extremely light against us.
The team seems to be improving. Now if they can just play 2 good halves they might accrue a few more wins. Oh, one last note about Pro on Wulfgar - I wasn't keeping close track but I do remember rolling it 3 or 4 times. It never made a difference this game. Still, it was nice to have.
Blood Lust stats
thanks to Mossbeard for putting up with me keeping track of this
Shebhorash Blood Dragon - 1 fails in 1st half (Bey Irsu stunned in T8), 3 fails in 2nd half (Bey Irsu stunned in T1, Cleomenes of Numas stunned in T4, failed a Dodge and left pitch in T7)
Rutger 'Wulfgar' Von Carstein - 2 fails in 2nd half (Babaef Khnumbaf stunned in T4, successfully rerolled in T5)
Total 6 fails (1 successfully rerolled) out of 31 rolls (1 of 20 1st half, 5 of 11 2nd half with 1 successful reroll), resulting in 4 stuns/0 KOs/0 BH 1 successful reroll and 1 Vampire running off into the crowd. The vintage of the match was Bey Irsu with 2 bites, back-to-back stuns in T8 1st half and T1 2nd half by the ravenous Shebhorash Blood Dragon. The Vamp Lords are still running thirstier than normal (6 out of 31 or 19.35%) but was mitigated a bit by the 1 successful reroll. But the disparity between the 1st half (1/20 or 5%) vs. the 2nd half (5/11 or 45.45%) was huge. I would say the entire game swung on that 45% fail rate. Not much I could have done about it either as I was using rerolls on important stuff.”