CTV 1180k Underworld Denizens


Norse CTV 1100k+60k

8000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: Star player Boomer Eziasson
#6 Vinz Leprecis – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#11 Yvan Laclac – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Lighting & lobbing a bomb at a pack of goblins and a troll, Boomer grinned in anticipation of the explosion. His grin quickly turned to confusion as the Troll Gumpli Fishback neatly snatched it out of the air & in a smooth motion hurled it towards the Norse cage. Vinz Leprecis, the passer and the rest of the cage didn't even see it coming. Flame billowed from the centre of the cage & after the smoke cleared Filip Lestop, Yvan Laclac & Vinz Leprecis were motionless on the ground. Vinz Leprecis would need the apothecaries help to save his life while Yvan was carted off the field to recover.
Wiping dust from his eyes, Skrilq spotted the ball in the center of a small crater & motioned excitiedly over his shoulder to a pack of goblins for help. He easily blitzed the last cage defender from the pitch into the crowd...things were looking up.
{A seriously fun match (for me anyways). Cheers to didier59 who was gracious during a bit of a dicing, but kept it close.}”